大日本帝國臣民に告ぐ 我々は革新的な思想 黒鶏主義を掲げ 八紘一宇の精神で尽力させて戴く所在で御座います
決して大東亜共栄圏の建設を提唱する訳では御座いません 是は皇紀弐千六百七拾弐年に於ける歴史的な革命で或ります
虚像の和平を謳う似非音楽家諸君に拳を挙げましょう 是は共感を疑似餌にした冷酷な洗脳行為で或ります
巷に蔓延る恋愛歌は脅威の疫病で或ります 地獄逝きの片道切符を贈りましょう
※極上の悪夢を腹の底から叫び続けましょう 黒鶏主義の黒旗を高く掲げましょう
咲いた花なら散りましょう 潔く散りましょう 万歳三唱 鳴呼、心は日本晴れ
下劣な営利で潤う傀儡音楽家諸君に拳を挙げましょう 是は共感を疑似餌にした冷酷な洗脳行為で或ります
巷に蔓延る恋愛歌は脅威の疫病で或ります 地獄逝きの片道切符を贈りましょう
鳴呼、我が人生よ 是こそが大和民族に生を受けた誇りで御座います 是こそが玉砕覚悟の我が人生で御座います
咲いた花なら散りましょう 潔く散りましょう 鳴呼、大日本黒鶏主義者連盟行進曲
Romanization: Ku
Dainippon Kokkei Shugisha Renmei Koushinkyoku Ho Tanchou
Dainihon teikoku shimin ni tsugu Wareware wa kakushinteki na shisou kokkei shugi wo kakage hakkou ichiu no seishin de jinryoku sasete itadaku shozai de gozaimasu
Shitsui ni mushibamareru mae ni sono te de mirai wo tsukamimashou
Kesshite daitou akyou eiken no kensetsu wo teishou suru wake de wa gozaimasen Kore wa kouki nisen roppyaku nanajuu ni nen ni okeru rekishiteki na kakumei de arimasu
Akui ni mushibamareru mae ni inochi wo uta ni kizamimashou
Kyozou no wahei wo utau ese ongakuka shokun ni kobushi wo agemashou Kore wa kyoukan wo giji esa ni shita reikoku na sen'nou koui de gozaimasu
Chimata ni habikoru ren'ai uta wa kyoui no ekibyou de arimasu Jikoku yuki no katamichi kippu wo okurimashou
※Gokujou no akumu wo hara no soko kara sakebi tsuzukemashou Kokkeishugi no kuro hata wo takaku kakagemashou
Niitaka yama nobore hito futamaru hachi no daigourei de tatakai no hibuta ga kiraremasu
Saita hana nara chirimashou Isagiyoku chirimashou Banzai sanshou aa, kokoro wa nihon bare
Akui ni mushibamareru mae ni inochi wo uta ni kizamimashou
Geretsu na eiri de uruou kairai ongakuka shokun ni kobushi wo agemashou Kore wa kyoukan wo giji esa ni shita reikoku na sen'nou koui de arimasu
Chimata ni habikoru ren'ai uta wa kyoui no ekibyou de arimasu Jikoku yuki no katamichi kippu wo okurimashou
※ (repeat)
Aa, waga jinsei yo kore koso ga yamamoto minzoku ni sei wo uketa hokori de gozaimasu Kore koso ga gyokusai kakugo no waga jinsei de gozaimasu
Saita hana nara chirimashou Isagiyoku chirimashou Aa, dainippon kokkeishugisha renmei koushinkyoku
Translation: Ku
The Great Japanese Galloist League March in E Minor
Attention, subjects of the Great Empire of Japan1 We shall endeavor in carrying the revolutionary ideology, Galloism, in the spirit of universal brotherhood2
We shall seize the future with our own hands before we are ruined by disappointment
By no means does this mean that we advocate the establishment of a Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere3 This is a historic revolution for the Imperial year 26724
We shall etch our lives into song before we are ruined by malice
We shall raise our fists against you shoddy musicians who promote a pretense of peace This is the cruel act of brainwashing using sympathy as mock bait
The love songs infecting the public are a threatening epidemic We shall give you a one-way ticket to hell
※We shall continue shouting exquisite nightmares from the pits of our bellies We shall raise high the black flag of Galloism
We will open the muzzles of war with the great command, Climb Mt. Niitaka 12085
We shall fall as blossomed flowers6 We shall fall bravely Three cheers; oh, I have not a care in the world
We shall etch our lives into song before we are ruined by malice
We shall raise our fists against you puppet musicians who profit from ignoble commercialism This is the cruel act of brainwashing using sympathy as mock bait
The love songs infecting the public are a threatening epidemic We shall give you a one-way ticket to hell
※ (repeat)
O, my life This is precisely the pride of being born into the Yamato race7 This is precisely my life in preparation for an honorable death
We shall fall as blossomed flowers We shall fall bravely Oh, The Great Japanese Galloist League March
1 This was the name of the Japanese nation-state that existed from 1868-1947 (from the Meiji Restoration until just after WII). Further reading.
2 In other words, the idea of all the world under one roof. The term here was a slogan popularized in 1940 wartime speech by the Prime Minister of Japan. The concept was essentially expansionism, that of Japan conquering the rest of the world. Further reading.
3 The phrase described in the previous note was used in a document which led to the foundation of the Great East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. This was a concept that involved Japan unifying certain Asian countries and freeing the region of Western influence. Further reading.
4 This year actually equates to 2012. The Imperial calendar of Japan counts from the legendary founding of Japan in 660 BC. Further reading.
6 This is the order that was given to Japanese soldiers to bomb Pearl Harbor during WWII.
5 This line is symbolic; in WWII, the young kamikaze pilots were referred to as flowers, specifically with the image of a fleeting cherry blossom in mind. The verb "chiru,", to fall, refers literally to the way the petals fall from trees and are blown away in the wind, but also metaphorically refer to the way the pilots died. In this line, "blooming" may be a metaphor for young people in the prime of life.
7 Yamato is the dominate native ethnic group among Japanese people, named for the region where ancestors of the ethnic group first settled in modern-day Nara prefecture.
This song is not about WWII in itself as much as it uses heavy WWII metaphors to "declare war" on modern, mainstream music.